tablemodify is a javascript-plugin which boosts your html tables with awesome style and functionalities!
It is written in plain js, so no jQuery is required.
Tm is based on a core Tablemodify-object which can be extended by several modules.
There are some modules defined by default or you could even write your own if you wish to.
Browser support: supported by all major browsers (IE11, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari).
the current version is 0.9.6
first name | last name | birthday | score | favourite pet |
the demo shows the modules 'pager', 'sorter', 'filter', 'fixed' and 'columnStyles' in action.
First of all, get the sources from Github ("/dist/") and include them in your header.
what you need:
- tablemodify.js or tablemodify.min.js
- tablemodify.css
- a .css-file from the theme folder
After the document has loaded, you can initialize the Tablemodify-instance.
var tm,
options = {} // some options can be passed via this object, read more below
function init() {
tm = new Tablemodify('#myTable', options) // assume the table's selector is #myTable.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init)
an overview over all the options you can choose:
// table will be wrapped in a container. you may give it an id
containerId: 'myContainer',
// default is 'en', choose between 'en', 'de', or add own Language pack (read below)
language: 'en',
// necessary! pass your theme's name here
theme: 'default',
// pass 'fade' or null. adds a nice transition when the table data changes
transition: 'fade',
This is an overview of the default modules tablemodify offers.
All modules are optional.
To run a module, add it's name to the following object. the values are js-objects again.
To run a module with default values, you can just pass an empty object, for example: "sorter: {}",
The specific module settings will be explained in the accompaniyng chapter.
modules: {
columnStyles: columnStylesSettings,
filter: filterSettings,
sorter: sorterSettings,
pager: pagerSettings,
fixed: fixedSettings
All modules are optional and work independent.
Once initialized, it is possible to access them via tm.getModule(name)
, each provides some utilities you can use.
This module sorts the rows of your tbody, ascending or descending, sorted by a single column or even by multiple columns.
For multisort, press shift and click another head cell. Still press shift and click a selected cell again to invert the order.
For big data amounts, it is recommended to combine sorter and pager or sort via php.
var sorterSettings = {
these are the defaults:
initialColumn: 'firstEnabled', // initial sorting column, either a column index or the special value 'firstEnabled'
initialOrder: 'asc', // initial sorting order, either 'asc', or 'desc'
enableMultisort: true, // enable/disable multisort functionality
columns: {
all: {
enabled: true,
parser: 'intelligent' // different types of parsers: 'intelligent' (for strings and numbers combined),
// 'string', 'numeric' (integer and float), 'date' (see below)
custom settings for single columns:
0: {
enabled: false // disable sorting
1: {
parser: 'date', // use another parser for this column
parserOptions: { // provide parameters to the parser
preset: 'english'
adding own parsers. Read below how it works.
customParsers: customParsers
there are some parsers available by default:
parsername | notice | description | parameters |
"intelligent" | default | differentiates automatically between strings and numbers. recommended for mixed types. | none |
"string" | sorts in alphabetic order. efficient, recommended for pure strings | none | |
"numeric" | sorts numbers (also floats). efficient, recommended for numbers | none | |
"date" | sorts by a given date format | format: A date/time format string which will be used to parse the dates preset: either 'english' or 'german', 'german' will match 'TT.MM.YYYY' and 'TT.MM.YY', 'english' will match 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'MM/DD/YYYY'. It is recommended not to rely on the presets but rather provide your own date format string Here you can find an overview of the tokens which can be used |
A parser is simply a compare function which is passed to the Array.sort() method. here you can read more about compare functions If you want to define your own parsers, add them like this:
var customParsers = {
myParser: function(a, b) {
parameters a, b: strings of two cell-contents to compare.
if a > b, return a positive number,
if a < b, return a negative number,
if a = b, return 0. (<- this is important for multisort!)
// for example, this is the implementation of parser "string"
if (a > b) return 1
if (a < b) return -1
return 0
change header appearance
you can simply overwrite the default sorter styles of your table. Therefore, tm provides several css-classes.
Different order-icons:
/* default sorter icon (for no active sorting) */
.tm-container td.sortable {
/* icon for active ascending order */
.tm-container td.sortable.sort-up {
/* icon for active descending order */
.tm-container td.sortable.sort-down {
different background-color of active sorting:
/* this will set the color to yellow */
.tm-container td.sortable.sort-up, .tm-container td.sortable.sort-down {
background-color: 'yellow'